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Selected category: Captions

Do captions help people participate in face-to-face meetings?

They sure do. Captions can be incredibly helpful in face-to-face meetings. Try this. Sit in a meeting with more than 3 people around a table. Put your fingers in your ears but not so far as to hurt your eardrums. Now you can appreciate why captions in face-to-face meetings are so important to many people. […]

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Factors in captioning and patterns of caption use

Factors in captioning and patterns of caption use

Captions is the text version of speech and other sounds in traditional audio-visual media such as films, television, DVDs and online videos. Captions are provided to enhance audio content and benefit people: with hearing difficulties with learning difficulties with diverse learning styles who experience difficulty accessing online videos for reasons related to issues with their […]

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I thought needing captions meant I was getting old. Not so.

I thought needing captions meant I was getting old. Not so.

I thought needing captions meant I was getting old. Turns out it is all the rage among the kids. By Arwa Mahdawi writing for The Guardian Apparently, four out of five viewers between 18 and 25 put subtitles (captions) on – but it is not for the reasons you might think. First, there were the creaky […]

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For heaven’s sake! We’re living in a pandemic, so where are the captions?

For heaven’s sake! We’re living in a pandemic, so where are the captions?

There’s a health crisis but where are the captions in Government announcements? It is frustrating and dangerous that captions are increasingly NOT being included in the Government’s emergency and disaster announcements when they appear on TV and on social media. It’s time that the Government stood up for its constituents who need captions by insisting […]

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Poor quality automated online captions

Deafness Forum is part of a group of not for profit organisations representing people who rely on captions for information, which draws attention to the growing issue of inaccessibility of online audio/visual content.

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What is captioning?

Captioning is the text version of speech and other sounds that can be provided on television, DVDs, videos on the internet, cinemas, theatres and public places like museums.

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