Hearing A–Z

They sure do. Captions can be incredibly helpful in face-to-face meetings.

Try this. Sit in a meeting with more than 3 people around a table. Put your fingers in your ears but not so far as to hurt your eardrums. Now you can appreciate why captions in face-to-face meetings are so important to many people.

  1. Accessibility: Captions provide accessibility for individuals with hearing difficulty, allowing them to fully participate in the meeting and understand the discussions, presentations, and conversations taking place.
  2. Inclusion: By providing captions, face-to-face meetings become more inclusive and equitable. Everyone, regardless of their hearing abilities, can access the information being shared and actively engage in the meeting.
  3. Compliance with Human Rights and Disability Discrimination laws: People have a legal right to be included in conversations with them and about them.
  4. Accommodation for different learning styles: Captions accommodate different learning styles and preferences. Some individuals find it easier to process information when they can see it in written form, allowing them to better absorb and understand the information being presented.
  5. Clarity and comprehension: Captions help to ensure that the spoken words are accurately captured and displayed on screen. This can be particularly helpful in situations where there is background noise, multiple speakers, or individuals with different accents or speaking styles. Captions make it easier for participants to follow along, ensuring clear understanding and reducing misunderstandings.
  6. Multilingual support: In international or multicultural meetings, captions can be used to provide real-time translations or transcriptions, making it easier for participants who may not be fluent in the primary language of the meeting to understand and contribute to the discussions.
  7. Retention and engagement: Captions enhance participants’ engagement and information retention by providing a visual aid alongside the spoken words. Visual learners can benefit from both the auditory and visual aspects of communication, leading to better comprehension and retention of the meeting content.
  8. Note-taking and reference: Captions can serve as a valuable reference tool during and after the meeting. Participants can review the captions to clarify specific points, take notes more effectively, or refer back to the content discussed during the meeting.

Captions play a crucial role in fostering inclusivity, accessibility, and effective communication in face-to-face meetings, benefiting individuals with hearing impairments and enhancing overall participation for all attendees.

People who need captions are legally entitled to expect them to be provided. And the same goes for Hearing Loops and interpreters. If they are not provided when you ask for them, your human rights have been ignored according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, of which Australia is a signatory.