Lowest Income groups excluded from Government program.

Lowest Income groups excluded from Government program.

Hearing loss affects communication and social engagement and limits educational and employment opportunities. Effective treatment for hearing loss is available in the form of communication training (for example, lipreading and auditory training), hearing aids and...

Master Lipreading to Unlock Silent Conversations.

Master Lipreading to Unlock Silent Conversations.

You can access a free preview of our Read Our Lips Australia online lipreading course to see what it is all about. Read Our Lips Australia is a self-paced online learning platform that is dedicated to supporting those with hearing loss and their families, by improving...

Will Audiology become a Registered Profession?

Will Audiology become a Registered Profession?

State and Territory Health Ministers have agreed to consider options for regulating the audiology profession in the future, including regulation under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme. Audiology is currently a self-regulating profession. Occupational...