To update the Deafness Forum Constitution.

Dear Members, since March 2023, the Deafness Forum board has been managing a process to update our Constitution to reflect the best practices in governance and structure.

With the invaluable assistance of an independent legal firm, we’ve drafted a set of proposed changes aimed at refining the Constitution. This initiative isn’t just about legal compliance; it’s about ensuring the foundation is solid, modern, and capable of supporting our mission and the communities we serve.

On 1 May 2024, we’ll hold an online meeting early evening to discuss and vote on these proposed changes.

But before we get there, your insights are crucial. During February and March, we’re opening the floor for feedback. Whether it’s a concern, a suggestion, or a question, we’re here to listen. The Board will carefully consider all feedback to ensure the final proposal represents our collective vision.

To obtain copies of the detailed description of the proposed changes, please don’t hesitate to contact CEO Steve Williamson by email,