Help fix Disability Royal Commission submission form

To help people provide information to the Disability Royal Commission* a submission form was designed and released last year.

But it soon became clear to Deafness Forum and others that the submission form had problems:

  • the questions were too long and complicated
  • not all questions aligned with best trauma-informed practice
  • the ordering of the questions could be improved
  • the need for an Easy Read version of the submissions form

Changes have been made to the submission form and it is available on the Disability Royal Commission website –

Deafness Forum of Australia has been asked to consult its members and friends to suggest how the submission form can be further improved. If you would like to contribute your ideas, you can do so until April. When it is finalised, the form will be translated into a number of community languages including Auslan.

*The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was established in April 2019.