Hearing A–Z

Swimmer’s Ear, medically known as acute otitis externa, is an infection of the outer ear canal often caused by trapped water. It is an inflammatory condition usually triggered by bacteria or fungi.

The infection typically occurs when water remains in the ear canal for extended periods, creating a moist environment conducive to bacterial growth. This condition is common among swimmers, divers, and other water sports enthusiasts who frequently expose their ears to water.

The severity of Swimmer’s Ear can range from mild irritation to acute pain and can be influenced by factors such as water quality and frequency of exposure.

What are the Symptoms?

Trapped Water

If you notice water lingering in your ears after participating in water activities, this could be an early indicator of Swimmer’s Ear.

Frequent Ear Infections

The moist environment in the ear canal can become a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to recurring infections. This risk is especially elevated for those who engage in water sports in varying water conditions, from chlorinated pools to natural bodies of water with varying levels of cleanliness.

Immediate Ear Care Post-Swimming

Dry your ears thoroughly and carefully after swimming to prevent moisture build-up. This step is crucial in avoiding the conditions that lead to Swimmer’s Ear.

Ear Plugs

Use ear plugs during swimming activities. Ear plugs that are designed to keep water out while allowing sound in, offering both protection against Swimmer’s Ear and maintaining auditory awareness.

Avoid Harmful Practices

Avoid inserting objects like cotton swabs into your ears, as this can damage the delicate skin of the ear canal, increasing the risk of infection.

Routine Ear Health Maintenance

Maintain proper ear hygiene and consider using ear drops formulated for swimmers. Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider can also be beneficial, especially if you are prone to ear issues.

By adopting these preventive measures, including the use of SurfEars, you can effectively reduce your risk of developing Swimmer’s Ear.

From https://surfears.com/swimmers-ear/