Deaf community can share with Disability Royal Commission

The Disability Royal Commission wants to hear about challenges, barriers and ways to better prevent and reduce violence against, and abuse, neglect and exploitation of, culturally and linguistically diverse people with disability.

The Royal Commission says it recognises that people who use Auslan or another sign language as their first language share a distinct, rich culture and language.

Auslan video – share your experiences with the Disability Royal Commission.

The Royal Commission is seeking feedback in the following areas:

  • How culture and language may affect the life course of someone with a disability from a culturally and linguistically diverse background.
  • How culturally and linguistically diverse people with a disability overcome language barriers when trying to access support, and the pathways they follow to ask for assistance.
  • Cultural attitudes and the language of disability within culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
  • How communities can have positive or protective attitudes towards disability, and reasons that people may not identify as having a disability even though they have an impairment.
  • How the different ways disability is understood in culturally and linguistically diverse communities may support and include people with disability, or how they might exclude or disadvantage them.

The Royal Commission encourages responses by 11 June 2021.

You can read the full issues paper and how to respond on the Royal Commission website:

Your Story Disability Legal Support has short Auslan videos about how you can get free, independent legal support to safely share your story with the Disability Royal Commission. For free legal advice on the options to keep your story safe, visit

Deafness Forum receives funding to promote the work of the Royal Commission.